Strip Photography with Slit-Scan Movie Maker
Download Slit-Scan Movie Maker for Mac OS.
Slit-Scan Movie Maker file size 1.23MB.
Slit-Scan Movie Maker Website
Create your strip photography and slit-scan slow-motion videos with Slit-Scan Movie Maker. The Slit-Scan Movie Maker lets you create bizarre, fascinatingly distorted movies using three separate technique. It can simulated slit-scan photography technique, method that derives a series of level-based masks from a different image or movie and uses those masks instead of a moving slit.
In slit-scan photography (aka "strip photography" or "scanner photography"), rather than opening and closing a shutter, you drag a narrow slit across the film from one side to the other over some period of time. Stationary objects look normal, but moving objects become distorted because they are in different places as the slit passes over different parts of the film. The Slit-Scan Movie Maker lets you open a file, choose a slit width in pixels, choose a slit travel direction, and then generate an output movie.
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