Learn Foreign Language for Free with Duolingo
Since the dawn of humanity, we've been passing information from one person to another through a common language. Billions of us trying to live, love, prosper, and make sense of our brief time on this planet. Unfortunately, you can't communicate with others without knowing or learning their language first. A similar issue has manifested on the web where text can be penned in dozens of languages, each of which demands a reader's fluency.
Smart way to learn Spanish, English, French, German
Duolingo is a free foreign language learning application that has an elegant solution to both problems -- a way for you to learn a language for free, while at the same time helping to translate text from the web, enabling a wealth of language-shackled information to be liberated for all of humanity. Duolingo makes it fun and easy to learn Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian language. The language learning method of Duolingo is scientifically proven, an independent study found that Duolingo trumps university-level language learning.
Here's how Duolingo works: Let's say you're a native English speaker who wants to learn Spanish. Duolingo start by giving you a sentence from a Spanish web site and asking you to translate it. Wait. Back up. How can you translate a language you don't know? First, Duolingo only gives you sentences that fit your language level. Beginners get the really simple sentences from the web and advanced users get the more complex ones. This way, everybody becomes a valuable translator.
And second, if you're really lost, you can always see possible translations for words you don't know. Afterwards, Duolingo helps you understand and memorize the words you hovered over through educational examples. You can also vote on the quality of other students' translations, which helps you learn by seeing how others translated the same sentence.
Duolingo Free Language Learning App
And because you create valuable translations while you learn, Duolingo return the favor by offering its language learning courses completely free of charge: no ads, no hidden fees, no subscriptions. To make your language learning more easy and ubiquitous, Duolingo offer iOS and Android apps also for free. To put the potential benefit of Duolingo into perspective, think about this: If one million people would use Duolingo to learn, the entirety of English Wikipedia could be translated to Spanish in just 80 hours.
Get free Duolingo App for iPhone and iPad
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Duolingo Website.
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